Sunday, October 26, 2014

Passion Project Progress

Natalie, Celeste and I so far have made pins, bought bandanas, and created a twitter account. We have tweeted a few times and we passed pins out at the pink out game. I think we are behind schedule because we have not put in our full effort. I know once we put our minds to it we could create an awesome awareness week. The reason for our delay in our project is that I have been out for a few weeks and Natalie has had a lot of cheer competition. Once we set out minds to it, I know we can easily get back on schedule.

From here we have decided to meet every weekend to get more progress done. Also, we are going to wear pink to my friends football game on Saturday to promote awareness. From here, I also hope to get the big sister little sister program going where we can talk to children who have a loved one going through the cancer process. I think we could really help them out by mentoring them through this hard time. 

What I have learned about my self over this process is how much I wish to help people. I do not like to see people suffer and in pain. I think this process has shown me that I want to go into sociology. I think helping people would defiantly be a field I want to go into. I love the idea of making someone feel better whether they just need to talk for 2 minutes or if they need to talk for 2 hours.