Friday, September 5, 2014

A Rodent on the Run

A Rodent on the run

When I was 15 years old I decided that I wanted another pet. My parents didn't want to get another dog, cat, or bird because we already had 3 dogs, 2 cats, and 2 birds. Both of my parents announced I had to get something small and easy to take care of so it wouldn't create more problems. The next day I made up my mind that I wanted a hamster. I researched all the possible options and told my parents that I wanted a Russian Dwarf Hamster.  That weekend we went to the pet store and got the cutest and smallest Russian Dwarf Hamster. I was so happy and so excited because I got a pink cage for her and was thinking of how well I would take care of her.
If only that had transpired. If you've ever experienced hearing the phrase small but mighty- it's true.  A few days after I had attained my hamster I decided I wanted to start petting her and work on holding her. The first time I put my hand in her cage she charged it and bit it. I screamed my head off and pulled my hand out of the cage, the only issue that had arisen- I  didn't just pull my hand out of the cage, but pulled the hamster out as well. She was still attached to my hand trying it seemed to eat the whole hand whole. This battle between human and Russian Dwarf Hamster lasted until my sister ran in and saw what happened and helped( after she laughed on the floor for what seemed like for ever). Here was this little, tiny, adorable ball of fluff in a bright, hot pink cage that was the meanest animal I had ever had. She was indeed small, but mighty. I decided to take her back to the store and get a new hamster, a hamster called a teddy bear hamster . Just by the name these hamsters sound more pleasant.

So the day came when I obtained a new teddy bear hamster. We cleaned and disinfected the bright, hot pink cage and bought the hamster and went home. This hamster was more friendly and just as cute.  I started to think of names for her but nothing seemed to stay popping into my mind at that time. It all was going well until the third night. I woke up to a weird scratching sound. Now at this point in time it was about 2 in the morning. So I got up and walked around and didn't find anything out of place so I went back to bed. In the morning though I walked over to the bright, hot pink cage and my  hamster was not in there! I freaked out and my mom and I looked everywhere until we found her. She had gotten out of her cage and was in the corner or my sisters closet. My sister of corse persisted on staying furious with me because of the hamster had left a few little presents for her in her closet. My mom put her back in her cage and we went about our business. The next night I woke up around midnight to check on my hamster and didn't find anything in the bright,hot pink cage. This happened all over again. I freaked out, mom helped me look for her, and we found her in my sisters closet. This time my hamster had brought some of her bedding and was creating a nest. This happened a few more nights. I finally decided to call her Houdina. Every night I would wake up to the same sound and find her nesting in my sisters close. If you know anything about older siblings, or just people in general you know they actually don't like having hamsters nest in their closets. My whole family remained tired because we would all be up every night searching for this Hamster. Finally my dad looked at the cage and discovered that I had put it together wrong. Once I set it up right there continued to be no more escape hamster and my family actually got to sleep a full nights sleep. It wasn't as crazy as BalloonFest '86


  1. When I was younger I didn't have a hamster but I did have a gerbil. We initially bought two gerbils but one ate the other. But yes my gerbil would always get out and run around at night!

  2. This story reminds me of a story that my dad told me. He used to have a bird and one day he forgot to close the bird cage and the bird flew away. I love the detail in your story! How big was the nest that the hamster made?

  3. Although I've never had a pet hamster, I had to keep my best friends and that was hard work. I have no idea how those little things get out, but they sure do keep you on your toes. Also, do you still have your let hamster??

  4. I've never had a pet hamster either....mostly because my dog will eat it. How did you get it to finally stay in the cage and did you ever figure out how it got out?

  5. I love how your hamster chose to go to your sisters closet every night and not to any other place in your house, and just the fact that it was Sarah's closet! Its good that you finally figured out that your issue was that you put the cage together wrong.. This reminds me of how my pet bird used to get out of his cage all the time due to me not closing its cage door correctly- then he'd fly all around the house and take forever for us to catch him!
