Sunday, September 21, 2014

   For my Passion Project I'm going to work with Natalie and Celest to raise breast cancer awerness. A few ideas we will be locking into are making pillows, helping with pink out, and going around to raise awerness at other schools, churches, or other public places. Natalie and I will research breast cancer to learn more about it. Also, another part of the project will be to talk with younger children who have parents with breast cancer who need hide de. I am interested in therapy and counseling. The children could come talk to someone who went through the same experiance. I would like to consider a big sister-little sister or brother program to mentor the children in need of guidance.

    Today, about 232,570 women get diognosed with invasive cancer and 62,570 cases of carcinoma in situ which is non invasive and the earliest start of cancer. To me, those seem like really shocking numbers. I think people should know about the sickness and do everything they can to help. Towards the middle of sophomore year my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and it was the scariest moment of my life. I felt like I was completely alone but realized that I wasn't after a few weeks. That is why I want to help children who don't know what to do after hearing the news. I don't want any children to feel like they are alone and that no one will help them. I learned that a lot of other families know someone who has breast cancer and they were able to deal with it. I also want people to know, just because a loved one gets diagnosed that does not mean they can't live anymore. My mom today still does pretty much all the same fun activities she used to do before. No matter what I want people to know how to deal with it and keep raising awareness.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think this is really good idea! My bf's mom had a breast cancer before, so I was really worried about her mother, but she has completely got over it. Kids who have a parents with the breast cancer will be really worried, but have someone who understand their mind will be really helpful for them! I love your idea.
